
Prof. Dr. Katrin Hartmann | Dr. Gregor Berg | Dr. Stefanie Berg

Rule outs in small animal medicine

Problem-oriented assessment of problems in physical examination and clinical pathology

69.95 €

How to achieve a reliable diagnosis – even in complex clinical cases!

Internal medicine cases can be complex and challenging. To manage such challenges, it is helpful to know the possible pathophysiological causes of a particular clinical problem, to be able to evaluate this problem in an individual case and to exclude anything not relevant for this patient using diagnostic pathways. This book describes this process of exclusion (“ruling out”) for all aspects of internal medicine in dogs and cats, and ultimately leads to confirmation of a specific diagnosis. Rule outs therefore are an important basis for everyday clinical work and provide a practical guideline for a systematic problem-oriented approach to patients.
For students, these rule outs are a prerequisite for understanding the pathophysiology of clinical presentations and laboratory changes. For experienced clinicians, rule outs are a helpful diagnostic guide especially when dealing with complex cases.

– The easy way to a correct diagnosis: comprehensive and concise
– Expert knowledge for everyday clinical work
– Helpful tool for studies and exams!

ISBN: 9783899939835

Als eBook hier erhältlich:


Prof. Katrin Hartmann is head of the Clinic for Small Animal Medicine at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany. The team of authors includes the senior veterinarians at this clinic, who have combined long-standing specialist knowledge from their respective areas of expertise in the ?rule outs?.

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Details zum Produkt

Erschienen: 2019
2. Auflage
204 Seiten
297 mm x 210 mm
ISBN: 9783899939835