
Stades, Frans C.|Wyman, Milton|Boeve, Michael H.

Ophthalmology for the Veterinary Practitioner

99.00 €

Here is a useful reference volume that identifies and masterfully illustrates common ophthalmologic disorders of small domestic animals, such as dogs and cats, as well as horses, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits and birds. The text emphasizes disease that can typically by difficult to diagnose without specialised experience or specific instruments. Rare sign are also described to complete the range of possible ophthalmic disorders – making differential diagnosis easier for the veterinarian.

This book encourages and helps equip a practitioner to attempt treatment of veterinary ophthalmologic cases, yet clearly shows the therapeutic limits faced by the nonspecialist. Description includes preliminary measures that can be taken before referral as well as potential professional errors.

Each chapter begins with an introduction to specific anatomy and physiology of the eye and supporting structure, noting pathogenesis, etiology, clinical course and therapy. Systemic congenial disorders are discussed, especially ophthalmologic conditions brought about by external influences, such as trauma, intoxication or deficiency. The text then progresses to inflammation and infectious diseases. At the end of a chapter, discussion covers degenerative processes, autoimmune disease and neoplasia.

Introduction – Clinical and Differential Diagnostic Procedures – Diagnostics and Therapeutics for Eyes Diseases – Ocular Emergencies – Orbital and Perorbital Structures – Lacrimal Apparatus – Eyelids – Conjunctiva and Nictitating Membrane – Globe – Cornea and Sclera – Intraocular Pressure and Glaucoma – Anterior Uvea – Lens and Vitreous – Fundus and Optic Nerve – Breed Dispositions and Hereditary Eye Diseases – and more

F. C. Stades, DVM, PhD, Utrecht, Diplomate ECVO
M. H. Boevé, DVM, PhD, Utrecht, Diplomate ECVO

W. Neumann, DVM, PhD, Gießen, Diplomate ECVO

M. Wyman, DVM, PhD, Professor,
Columbus, Ohio, Diplomate ACVO

ISBN: 978-3-89993-011-5

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Details zum Produkt

Erschienen: 2007
2., überarb. u. erw. Aufl.
257 Seiten
Abbildungen: w. numerous ill. (mostly col.)
Gewicht: 1242 gr.
ISBN: 978-3-89993-011-5
